Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Giggle is a drabble about a little boy and his father interacting with each other and having fun.


Bedtime was a funny drabble (intended to be humorous at any rate) about two sleepwalkers.


The drabble Newspaper is about a pair of tourists who are quite disrespectful. The MC's chooses to reply to them in Dutch.

Lake Poopó

Lake Poopó is a drabble about a lake in Ecuador that has dried up. Ecuador has declared the situation a disaster. The wildlife would surely agree.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Board Meeting

Board Meeting is a flash fiction piece about a man who has transitioned from the race to a simpler pace of life.

Outside Green

Outside Green was a drabble about a young girl who dares to dream of living.


Superstition is the Overtru story in English.


Tricky is a 100 word drabble about a letter that gets lost in the mail. The twist to this piece is that this piece isn't "Nicholas Sparks" and the letter provides the recipient with no closure.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Street Conversations

The 100-word piece Street Conversations is structured as two parallel dialogues. The characters are on the street in Victoria, B.C.

Walking William

The drabble Walking William is about a little boy in the foster care system.


Clarity is a drabble about a young woman who decides to change her life's course.


Concealed was a prompt drabble. The main character finds herself in an alien invasion.

Saturday, April 9, 2016


Torsn var ikke helt en mann, men han hadde ingen bekymring om gåtene i den gamle profet. Hva kunne en krøpling vet om formålet om guder? Den fillete kappe luktet av røyk. Hans ånde luktet enda mer bitter. "Torsn sønn av Turl, han har ikke deg løssluppen."

Da de kom, det hørtes ut som et steinras. Den søvnige landsbyen sto liten sjanse mot flammer og sverd. Skrik fulgt rop. Stillhet drukner stønn.

Torsn kunne ikke kjøre. Han knelte ved brann, holder den jern stangen i flammer. Hva ville hans skjebne være?

Da morderne kom inn, sto han, stangen glødende oransje.

Det er tid, fraren kråke erklært fra vinduet.

Photo is copyright by Ian Sanderson.
The translation to Bokmål is mine. Corrections welcomed.


Legacy took a bit of an unplanned, poetic twist.


Handwriting was another awkward one-word prompt. This piece ends in an ironic twist. Hope you enjoy it.


Colorful is a drabble about choice. The choice of being content or unhappy. The choice of seeing beauty or ugliness. The choice of living life.


What could be more Refreshing than a vacation at the North Pole? Swimming at the North Pole. In bikinis.


Frivolous was a frivolous one-word prompt. What sort of prompt is that, anyway? Anyway, I was fortunate enough to find a ridiculous photo to inspire a response to this frivolous prompt.


In the drabble, Help? the main character has some rather unusual powers, but then this piece is fantasy.

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Secret is another prompt piece. The characters are two sisters. Will Madeline be able to keep Josie's big secret?


Window was a Daily Post prompt. I really liked the "wrong way" picture and the lighting. The story is about the young woman reading and the shadows cast across her on the sofa: does art imitate life or is it the other way around?

Saturday, April 2, 2016


Fight is a drabble. It was inspired by current events.

Curb Appeal

Curb Appeal is a drouble (200 words) that explores the darker side of human nature.

The Quest

Another lego picture prompt from Josh Mosey, The Quest. This one recalls Arthurian legend.

The Monkey's Pirate

The Monkey's Pirate is meant to be a humorous drabble and is, of course, somewhat inspired by A Horse and His Boy, by C.S. Lewis.

Dirty Brushes

Dirty Brushes is a piece about an autistic painter.

Left on a Shelf

The drabble Left of a Shelf is a dystopian piece, but I clearly drew inspiration from modern events and culture. If any of this resonates with you, you may wish to google search about the dumbing down of America.


The 100 worder, Envy, was inspired by the picture.

Ornickarr's photo brought back to me memories of walking past the open doors of the Bäckerei in München to Englischer Garten, where the warm air rushed out into the cold, wet streets enveloping me like a blanket, and my stomach growled at the delicious smells of fresh-baked pastries.


Drop is a trabble (300 words) that is set in Portland. It is about breaking out of negativity and living in the moment.